About Us

We are residents of the country of India, so whatever information we know about our country such as History of India, Geography of India, Festivals of India, Faith, etc., we will give you all through this website Nicedays.in Want to share with you.

Nice Days Team : 

Sarojben Rathod (Author) : Bachelor of Arts in Hindi Language. वीर नर्मद साउथ गुजरात यूनिवर्सिटी
I Sarojben Rathod writes articles in this website in the category of Women Special(महिला विशेष), Faith(आस्था), Festivals Celebrated in India (भारत मे त्यौहार, ईसाई त्यौहार, मुस्लिम त्यौहार, हिन्दू त्यौहार, जन्म जयंती,राष्ट्रीय दिवस ). 
We will provide all information in our blog in Hindi language.
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